Our Blog

Dr. Timothy Lim

Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Gynaecological Oncology

Dr. Tan Poh Kok

Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Incontinence, Uro-Gynecology

Dr. John Thomas

Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon < br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Functional Neurosurgery, Epilepsy Surgery

Dr. James Tan

Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon (Spine)< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Treatment of Pituitary Tumors

Dr. Choo Su Pin

Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist (Gastrointestinal)< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Medical Oncology

Dr. John Chia

Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Gynaecological Cancers

Dr. Whang Hwee Yong

Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Medical Oncology

Dr. Tan Yew Oo

Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Medical Oncology

Dr. LeLe Aung

Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist (Paediatrics)< br/>< br/>
Sub-specialty: Paediatric Haematology-Oncology
